24 kV Extendable Compact GIS or Modular AIS MV Boards


Extendable compact or modular HVA devices consisting of a switch-disconnecter, grounding switch, breaker and fuse.

Main characteristics

The CAHORS range of HVA boards consists of air insulated (GRANY) and fully insulated (NOGARIS/ANTARES) devices, in a metal enclosure, forming the MV portion of transformer and supply substations up to 24 kV.

The design of the CAHORS range of medium voltage devices and the variety of their functionality allow for all necessary configurations for connecting standalone renewable energy productions.

HVA boards can be equipped with options for the remote operations of facilities or remote management.


  • Rated current: 400 A (or 630 A)
  • Rated voltage 24 kV
  • Protection rating: IP2XC (LV section) and IP 67 (GIS range MV section)
  • Insulation level: 50 Hz/1 min (50 kV eff insulation, 60 kV eff disconnection) – 1.2/50 µs (125 kV peak insulation, 145 kV peak disconnection)
  • Admissible short term current of up to 20 kA/3 sec
  • Internal arc resistance of up to 20 kA/0.5 sec


  • Compact board due to SF6 technology
  • Plain and animated function (real time function position)
  • Guaranteed safety with a 3-position switch-disconnecter
  • Patented breaker technology with reduced arc time
  • Permanently sealed manual or remote controlled SF6 device
  • Full range of single-line options
  • Increased service continuity and reliability
  • Improved safety through optimised internal arc management


  • Private distribution requiring a MV connection
  • Manufacturing, tertiary and residential
  • Decentralised energy production
  • Transport, infrastructures
  • Household waste and water treatment
  • Healthcare institutions, museums and shopping centres
  • Schools, universities and prisons
  • Public distribution

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