Smart Grids

Smart solutions and equipment for managing, securing, and monitoring electricity distribution networks 

A major player in the development of Smart Grids

For over 30 years, CAHORS has been a key player in deploying Smart Grids and offering smart solutions to the market(optimised electricity distribution networks, energy consumption measurement and monitoring, the integration of renewable energy, etc.).

The emergence of new environmental and political objectives has profoundly altered the use of energy and the management of the electricity system. With recognised expertise in managing and developing electrical networks and global communication, CAHORS offers a range of smart technology for a more efficient, economically viable and safe delivery of electricity. Building dependability into electricity distribution, integrating renewable energy and new consumption patterns, and measuring and monitoring energy consumption are all challenges we at CAHORS are facing.

CAHORS offers solutions for monitoring medium and low voltage substations (LV boards, measurement and monitoring plants, etc.), the remote control of networks, fault detection, and smart metering to meet every one of your issues and provide the right supply of electricity.Our goal is to ensure the optimum supply quality, as well as network supply continuity.

Do you want to know more about our Smart Grids solutions ?

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