Photovoltaics (solar-generated electricity)
Equipment for converting, metering and connecting solar thermal power plants.
CAHORS designs equipment for photovoltaic power station, including energy conversion, production metering and consumption, and for connecting the energy distribution network.
The company has a range of tailored products for networks:
- Below 36 kVA: new construction, existing, electrical column or on site with a monitoring power connection
- 36kW to 250 kW: Connection by box (in a cabinet, technical room or building) and by cabinets for indirect metering boxes
- 250 kW to 17 MW: full range of products (low-loss transformer substations and cells) for connecting to the high voltage public distribution network
Our Photovoltaics (solar-generated electricity) products
Polyester enclosures (IP66) - Minipol
Walk-In Step-Up Transformer Substation - NAUVA
NAUVASOL Compact Step-Up Transformer Substation
NAUVA Walk-In Supply Substation
Metering panels
24 kV Extendable Compact GIS or Modular AIS MV Boards
Series Active Filter
MV Underground Switch Remote Control Interface - IControl-Tx
Distributed generation management for smart grids - IControl-E
IVISION TG Remote Management Solution for Renewable Energy Manufacturers
Communication Interface (Renewable Energy Production) - Ivision TSTC